Hold Still is now available through SnoCap, an MP3 distribution service that can be embedded into a web page. You can buy songs separately using this method at the store or through Myspace


I'm moving to Seattle this summer. Molecule is being disbanded after February, though I will continue playing solo shows until August. After I move I will form a new Molecule and carry on. Work is being done on four studio recordings by the current Molecule line-up, though I'm not sure what the fate of these recordings will be. Eventually you will get to hear them in some form. Many thanks to everyone in the Boston area who came to our shows and supported us!


Hold Still is now available on iTunes, and Amazon.com. If you already own a copy, please visit these sites and leave a review!


We've got shows a'plenty coming up so check the live section. Molecule will be in the studio in October as we begin work on our first album. Stay tuned for updates.


Collide was a February '06 finalist in the rock category in the Song of The Year contest.


Look us up on MySpace and be our friend: Molecule, Joe Conley, Chris Exley, Dave Dildine, and my solo page. You needed more friends anyhow.


As always, "Hold Still" is available at the store.
